Monday, 12 September 2016

Weekend Gone

Sorry for no posts this weekend, I have been hit by the gloom cloud,
Friday I had slept most of the day due to Thursday being very busy and being out and about it totally zapped me and I felt agony.
Saturday was much the same only I went over to my mums about 7ish to collect Jayden, Ian had dropped him off earlier when he was working over that way, When we left the house Jordan was asleep on the sofa, I shouted him 2x and he didnt even stir so just left him.
When we got home he was still in the same position we had left him, we woke him up to get some food and then he went to bed.
Sunday I really felt just tired, I have got conjunctivitis and my eyes are streaming constantly so it is easier for me to just sleep and let my body recover.
Ian came in when he got home from work but I was still tired so told him to turn the light out and leave me be, he then came back in moaning about the police but I didnt really register what he was going on about and then Jordan came up and said he was being lifted by the police for breaking his bail conditions, while I was at my mums on Saturday night the police had chapped the door and Jordan slept through it, they assumed he wasnt in.
So he is now to appear in court today :(
I am all for him being punished and dealt with by the court for the offences he did commit but since he has been on his curfew he has been sticking to it as he doesnt want to end up in prison.
But to be lifted when your innocent I really felt for him last night, but at the same time proud of him, he told them calmly that he didnt break his conditions and they said it wasnt down to them he needed to appear at court and he got ready and didnt kick up a fuss which isnt normal for Jordan.
But the police were giving him room to play also and said to him he could roll a few cigarettes to take with him and they would let him out for a smoke. 
I spoke to his lawyer last night and he told me not to worry they will get him home today, and if needed me and Ian will give witness statements to say he was here and was asleep.
just not what I needed this week.
So this morning I am phoning support workers and lawyers, he will be fine and Ian is coming home early from work to go pick him up after court.
So I have done literally no crafting this weekend.
I am starting to feel it though and really need to do something, so hopefully if I can get all these calls and things out of the way, This afternoon I can do a few card making videos for my monday series.

Have a crafty week Love and hugs Karen xxx

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