Thursday, 8 September 2016

New Car Day

Wow what a day, I have literally been on the go since before 7am this morning.
Couldnt sleep as I had a migraine this humid horrid heat is honestly driving me nuts,
so I made a few small cards nothing too fancy but they are cute. 

Then I woke Jayden for school and thank the lord he was fit enough to go back to school yeeeahhhh 
Next issue was getting ian up to the bank to check what was in the account before I started paying insurance and tax for the car, he came home and I had rung up the dealer for the V5 number to tax the car online, only to get it start doing it to be told I cant as the cars last owner had it as a disabled car so It had to be taxed the old way in the post office and fill in a different form a lot of whohaa about nothing. So 11am my brother collected us and drove us out to Grangemouth (about 50 miles from us)
so we got there and signed all the documents and then the guy escorted us to the nearest Post Office so we could get it legal (shoosh dont tell the traffic police we drove round the corner un taxed)
But we got that done and then I realised I hadnt had breakfast so sent Ian to find a sandwich bar or takeaway, he came back with a greggs tuna and onion sandwich which was absolute heaven.
We then had to find a petrol station in a town none of us knew, and we hadnt lifted the sat nav out of the other car before we left (and my phone doesnt have data as I am in the house 99.999% of the time lol) but we managed to get a petrol station and then find out way out of the town and back onto the motorway home.

But one thing we noticed driving home the windscreen wipers were not the best so we got to Paisley and headed to Halfords and got a new set fitted, then drove up to my parents and see my mum (hadnt seen her since before she went to hospital)
so we had a wee blether and they had a nosey at the new car.
Then we headed home, drove over the back country roads so Ian could get used to the car on different roads. Got home and waited for about 2hrs for Jayden to reappear (he had came in from school before we got home and went out to play) but come 6.30 he was still not back so we had to go shopping before the shop closed.
We went shopping, yes we I went in too but I can tell you my hips and my legs are really really feeling it and walking upstairs tonight was a very painful task.
but it meant we got all the essentials (Ian forgets about shampoo and conditioner, shower gel and things) so I got all that stuff.
We got home and I honestly couldnt even make it up the stairs my legs were so weak, so I lay on the couch for an hour and then came up here, emailed Ian's clients he missed today due to the time factor and the weather (it has not stopped raining up here most of today) then I checked my social media and lastly on here to write up my wee blog for today.

It has been crazy busy and with 3/4hrs max of sleep last night I am honestly ready to collapse but I have a bottle of coke cola zero and I am going to have a shaky handed little glass of jack daniels and coke tonight, that with my medication I will sleep like a baby :) I hope 

Anyway hope you all have a fab crafty day
Lots of love and hugs Karen  

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