Well today I was awoken at 5.30am with the dog grumbling (his sign that someone we know is outside the house) so I got up and checked the CCTV nope nothing there (it checks our backdoor and car) so went to the front door and could see shadows through the door window and asked before opening the door "who's there" - mum its me Eugene (my eldest son wanted to change his name to Eugene and has done to everyone else except direct family we still call him Jordan)
anyway he was supposed to be staying with friends after they had been out for a drink.
So I opened the door and let him and his friend Scott in (Scott is like an adopted son he stays here more often than not) and then I turned to walk straight back up to bed but low and behold I couldnt fall back over, I was awake, so I came into the craft room and watched a bit of tv nothing major, Fridays episode of Eastenders and a documentary.
Ian was up early for work so had a blether to him then went back to bed as my bones are sore today.
When jayden woke up he snuggled into bed with me and watched home alone (one of his favorite movies) not that I hear much of it, Jayden is a proper chatterbox, he talks and then talks some more about stuff thats totally irrelevant.
But I just love that wee snuggle time it is really special so I cherish them all even when im exhausted and just want to sleep.
So my plans for the rest of the day is now eat some noodles for lunch
then attempt a card for make a card monday, my series on card making for my youtube channel.
Tonight we have the school routine make sure his uniform is ironed and shoes polished etc etc.
such a adventurist life I lead lol x
Anyway I hope you all have a wonderful sunday and
sending you all lost of love and hugs always Karen xx
Happy Crafting x
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